The NHS in Knowsley, Liverpool, Sefton and West Lancashire has launched a 12-week public consultation about the proposal to establish a Comprehensive Stroke Centre at Aintree University Hospital.
The proposal aims to improve hyper-acute stroke services, which is the hospital care provided in the 72-hour period immediately after someone has a stroke.
Currently, there are hyper-acute stroke services at the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Aintree University Hospital, and Southport Hospital. But with local expertise and resources spread across three sites, it can be difficult to ensure that patients get equitable access to the specialist staff, tests, equipment and procedures they need – especially in the critical three days following a stroke.
Local clinicians have developed a proposal for a single Comprehensive Stroke Centre at Aintree University Hospital. This would bring together local hyper-acute services on the same site as The Walton Centre, which provides a specialist stroke treatment called thrombectomy.
You can find out more about the proposal and share your views between 22 November 2021 and 14 February 2022 by completing a short online questionnaire at: www.liverpoolccg.nhs.uk/stroke
You can also attend an online event for an opportunity to hear about the changes in more detail from clinicians, and a chance to give feedback as part of a small focus group.
These sessions will be taking place on:
- Tuesday 7 December, 1pm – 3pm
- Thursday 9 December, 6pm – 8pm
You can sign up to take part in one of these sessions at: www.liverpoolccg.nhs.uk/stroke
Content provided by One Liverpool, a partnership of local health and care organisations working together to support a healthier, happier and fairer Liverpool for all.
Published on Tue, 23 Nov 2021 10:13:12 GMT
Modified on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 13:04:45 GMT